List of Tamil words in Biloxi language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Biloxi language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Biloxi tribe are Native Americans and they call themselves by the autonym Tanêks(a) in Siouan Biloxi language. When first encountered by Europeans in 1699, the Biloxi inhabited an area near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico near what is now the city of Biloxi, Mississippi. They were eventually forced west into Louisiana and eastern Texas. The Biloxi language--Tanêksayaa ade--has been extinct since the 1930s, when the last known native semi-speaker, Emma Jackson, died.
Biloxi was a Siouan language spoken in Mississippi and Alabama.The Biloxi tribe was devastated by a smallpox epidemic, and the survivors migrated westward and merged with the Tunica Indians, with whom they share a Louisiana reservation today. Though the Tunica and Biloxi Indians were friends and allies, their languages were entirely unrelated, and since they were unable to communicate effectively in their native languages, both tribes shifted to French. The Biloxi language has not been spoken in more than a century.

Clues to read Biloxi words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Biloxi word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; Biloxi -English Dictionary – by David V. Kaufman, Ph.D.
English – Biloxi- Tamil
* – ade – thee
* burn/ make fire - adeye- thee idu ; idu- to make.
* speak /talk- ade- oaathu
4.language- ade- nodi
* preach – adecko –oaathuka
*6.cause to purplish by heat / to scorch – adecuutkaye- theeichchiduka of wearing the hair- adihi – sadai
*8.fence- aduhi – thaduppu singe/ hair- adu suduye- mudi yaei suduka ; mudi- hair; sudu- to burn /roast .
* aduti – uootti
11.clothes- aduxpe- udukkai
12.necklace- kahudi – kadikai ; letter ‘ka’ is read more than once.
*13.paper- akathihi – kaakitham
* akathi – kaakitha kattu ; kitab ; kitab= puththaka ; letters are in reversed order. akathi akiyta / folded paper- kaakitha kattu ; kaakitham- paper; kattu- fold/ bundle . book reading house- akathi ukade thi – kaakitha kattu kattridum idam ; letters are read more than once; kaakitham- paper; kattu- bundle; kattridu – learn; idam- house/ place
*17. wrapping paper- akathi hapode – pothi kaakitham ; letters are jumbled; pothi – to wrap; kaakitham- paper. lean against- aka –saaika suppose- aka- ninaikka count- akidadi – kanakkidu
21.bug- akidi- mukuttai help- akidi si- kai kodu / lend a hand; kai- hand; kodu- give fold- akipta- kattu / fold/ wrap
* follow- akita- kadai kondidu shut / close- akititu- adaikka ; letters are in reversed order.
26.gourd used for drinking- akodi – kuduvai ; ka- va; va= ka. look into- aku- kaana a straight line- akta- koadu / line soil/ dirt- ama- munn
*30.this- de- ithu
31.fruit- anaki – kani; letters are in reversed order.
32.louse- ane- paen
33.water- ani- paani
*34.a well- ani kyaooni – paani kaeni ; kaeni- a well . thi – idam
36.pepper- apaya- apayam
*37.dirt- athada- uooththai atopi- puthiya; letters are in reversed order.
39.ripe – atuti- muththiya
40.finished- atuti- mudiththidu /to finish
41.skirt- awode –paa vaadai
42.cord of wood- aya kode- kattai / wood
*43.stump of tree- ayithudi / tudi –thadi; thandu .
44.dust- ayusi- maasu
*45.crow- acka- kaakka
46.hither- adao- ippaadu
*47.rope- akada- kadam
48.spider web-akada- koodu / web
49.arrow- aksi- koa; kanai .
50.necklace- apani – punaiyal
* die- ca- saa
52.penis- ca- sunni ;aan sinnam ;aan- male; sinnam- symbol .
* noisy / to make much noise- – cehiye- oaasai sei ;oaasai- noise; sei- make.
54.breechcloth- cade- ut sattai / underwear; letters are jumbled; jatti .
55.glittering- citatka- -thaka thakakka ; letters are jumbled.
56.hip-cidi – sooththu/ buttock; idai/hip. spill a liquid- cude - sotta/ drip; sintha.
* cuti – saethu ;saeththu .
59.gather- da- saeththidu break as wood -dakasa- kattai yaei udaikka ; letters are jumbled; kattai- wood; udaikka- break. cut off- dakahopi – thundikka
* stick/ glue- daki - ottuka
* whip – dako –adikka hold- da- pidi dance- dici - aadu
66.throat- dodaniye- thondai ; letters are jumbled. get- ducicku- adaika dig up- duckhe- thoanduka
* sweep- dukes- thudaikka be drunk- duniye – thanni adi; thanni- drinks/ water; adi-to drink. take- dusi – edu
* eat – duti – thueiththidu untie- duwe- avuththidu ; letters are in reversed order.
* shake / a tree - duyuhe –aattu / shake finish- edaye- mudi
*76.morning- ewite- vidiya/ to dawn do that -etukoo – athai seithiduka ; athu- that ;seithiduka- do ;letters are read more than once.
*78.because – etuke- athukaaka
*79.far- heda- etta
*80.sun- ina-inan
* have- itha- edu
82.forehead- ithe- neththi
*83.log- itoho –thadi
84.egg- iiti- muttai laugh/ giggle- jkhihi- nakaikka
* mix together- ikidudi- koottu
* vomit- ikne- kakkanum
*88.afraid- isihi – achcham
89.afraid- iske- achchamaaka
* protect- ipudahi – paaththidu / look after; paathidu/ protect. get angry- isti- sinam adaiya ; sinam- anger; adaiya- to get .
* be alone- itha- oththaiyaa
93.anus- ititi- sooththu oaattai ; sooththu- buttock; oaattai- hole .
*94.word – kade- kaathai
*95.speech – kade- kathaippu
*96.symbol- kade- kaethu
97.word book/ dictionary- kade akathi – kaathai kaakitha kattu; kaathai- word; kaakitham- paper; katttu- bundle . draw a mark – kadeexye- koadu iduka; koadu- line; iduka- make.
* kato- kaduvan / male cat; ka= va; va= ka.
100.little cat -kato yiki – kutti kaduvan ; ka= va; va= ka ;kutti- small . tell what one has learned from personal experience / not from hearsay - katiki – kattrathai kathaiththidu ; kattrathu – learnt; kathai- to say ; kattathai kathaiththidu; kaettathu- heard.
* love- kiyahi- kaamam ; kaaya . finish – khede- kedi/ finished
* give- khu – okku
* show/ something- kidohiye –kaattu bend down – kiduktaye – kunithiduka ; letters are jumbled.
107.battle/ war – kikthe- kathanam
108.hit/ strike- kithe- adikka; thaakka ; letters are in reversed order.
* out- kiyohi – koovu
*110.together- kode- koodi run away – kokta- oaaduka ; letters are in reversed order. hit often- kthe kthe –adikkadi adikka; letters are jumbled; adikkadi- often; adikka- to beat.
113.ditch – kudapai – saakkadai
114.cut- kutsi- kaathidu ; vetttu ;ka= va; va= ka.
*115.mother- mama- amma
116.boat- nahadi – thoani ; letters are in reversed order.
*117.middle/ centre- nata- nadu
*118.each- nani – onnu onnaa
119.ball- nitapi- panthu-; letters are jumbled.
120.gore- odi – muttu
*121.break- odi –udai
* do/ make- qq- aakku wear- qq- anika
124.a bear-qti- kudaa vadi ; ka= va; va= ka.
*125.bag- pahi- pei
126.flat- pattasi –pattai ;thattai .
* make up a bundle- pode- pothi idu ; pothi- bundle; idu- make.
* whistle- sitsidedi/ sode- seeti adi
129.knife- spadeehi-patta
130.father- tata- thanthai ; aththaa; daddy .
131.village- ta- patti – ta- thinai; dunya.
* run- tahi- oaadu die- the- madi
*135.dead body- the- thadi /wood kill- theye- saaiththidu thohi- uoothaa
138.unripe- thohi- muththaathu ; muththiya / ripe ; ‘aa’ gives the opposite idea which is applied in Greek [ aphasia] and Sanskrit [ atharmam ] .
*139.pound- tike- idikka
* weigh- tikeye- edai iduka; edai- weight; iduka- make.
* beat/ heart- tix tixye- thudikka thudikka touch-tucc- thodu; touch [ E] = thodu spit- tucku- thuppuka
144.tall- tude- nettai
* shiver- tududuhe- thada thada nnu
* thunder- tuhe- idi idiththida; idi- thunder.
147.hole- tuphe- pudai/ poaaththu ; letters are in reversed order.
* suck- ucicpi- sappu
149.drum- udu – thidum
* beat the drum- udukthe- udukkai adi; udukkai- a drum; adi- beat read- ukade- kaniththidu ;kattridu .
*152.gathered in one place – ukade- kooda / to gather
153.put on shoes- uste- soodu/ to wear
154.vest- yatito- ut sattai / inner wear; jatti ; vest[ E] = ut sattai; letters are jumbled.
*155.heart- yati- ithayam
*156.get married- yikati- kattu
157.flesh/ meat- yo- uoon be dusty- yusatha- maasu adaiya ; maasu- dust; adaiya- to have.
* ache- ne- noaei / sickness/ pain
*160.big- thaa- thaatti bend inanimate objects- kuneki- kunika / to stoop / person buy- atsi –edu
*163.cackle /as a hen- kadeke- keththuka clap- duseye- thattu
* cook- awahi- avai
166.done- ca- sei/ do
* arrive home- kidee – kudi yaei adaiya ; kudi- house; adaiya- to reach.
* – ayyado – ayyoada /the term is still in use in Malayalam. drive cattle- dakothi- oaattiduka ; letters are jumbled. pheti- peethu fetch – ducicku –edukka; attuka / bring. feed- yakudi – pukattu
173.hill- putsi- poathi
* hook- hikahi- kokki/ hook
* kill- kthe- kaathidu
*176.letter- akathi – kaththu; kaakitham ; kaduthaasi .
* mix- ikidu – koottu
178.parting of hair- punetkohi – pinniduka / to plait
179.penis- caditi – thadi/ stick
* have sexual intercourse- wehekhe- voakka / fuck signal/ with hands- -caakik oikiyoho- kai saikai seiuka ; letters are jumbled; kai- hand; saikai- signal ;seikai- to do
182.soon- yatana- udanae / immediately
*183.stretched- natix- neettikkai
* tell- kutiki- kathaikka
*185.that- de- athu wait- hedikaca-kaathu kidakka; letters are jumbled.
*187.why- ci dike- ethukku
*188.similar to- utka- oththathaaka